About Easter Law Firm, LLC
Attorney Joe Easter grew up in the Ozarks and has represented injured Missourians for over 15 years. He opened Easter Law Firm to focus on injury and wrongful death cases. The firm is widely known for their success with workers’ compensation and motorcycle/auto fatality and injury cases, as well as representing those injured at negligent businesses.
Although intentionally not a high-volume firm, Easter Law Firm is able to devote actual attorney time to most client interactions. The result is better communication between the client and the firm, which means the attorneys are in tune with every detail of the client’s experience. This assures that the attorneys are not only listening to them, but are as understanding as they can be about the hardships that have been thrust upon the client.
Some of the firm’s best achievements are locked up in non-disclosure agreements, but know this: clients come back and refer others that need their services. Fortunately, that’s why Easter Law Firm doesn’t have to advertise much: their work speaks for itself.
Get to know Easter Law Firm via their website or on Facebook, and schedule your in-person or Zoom consultation today.