So Curious Co. Owner Sophie Liffick Talks Mocktails
Up-and-comer Sophie Liffick designs mocktail menus and monthly pop-ups around town.
by Tessa Cooper
Jan 2025

If this is the first time you’ve come across the names Sophie Liffick or So Curious Co., get ready. You’re going to be hearing even more about Liffick and her tasty mocktails in the years to come. This rising star designs mocktail menus for local bars and hosts monthly pop-ups at special events all around town. Read our interview to learn more about Liffick.
417 Magazine: Can you tell us about the origins of So Curious Co.?
Sophie Liffick: “So Curious Co. started as something small. It was something to call the pop-up idea I had, which originated with one pop-up at Druff’s Diner. Before we even made it to that first pop-up, I was invited to attend Cherry Picker’s Eighth Annual Rosé Day. The idea to sell 100% non-alcoholic beverages and menus came from my own very personal experience with alcoholism. For me, this issue was so severe that I nearly lost my life. I owe my life today and my success to the people who have stood by my side and taught me about alcoholism and living clean and sober.”
417: What have been some of your favorite ingredients and flavor profiles to experiment with lately?
S.L.: “I personally love bitter, fruit-forward bevs. I love bringing a ‘bite’ to my beverages. As of late, I have been playing a lot with beets, grapefruit, citrus peel, squash, pears, peppercorns and different teas, including some of my own blends. I make a lot of shrub-based drinks, so you will always see vinegar and fruit or vegetables as big players in my menus.”
417: Can you tell us about one of your most popular mocktails?
S.L.: “One of my most popular and personal favorite So Curious Co. drinks is called the Long Lost Lover. This drink was created during a time of heartache for me and therefore holds some extra oomph. I have a few versions of this same shrub-based drink comprising of red beets, grapefruit, orange peel, vanilla, cardamom, rosé balsamic vinegar, local honey, citrus non-alcoholic spirit, Earl grey tea and 100% non-alcoholic orange bitters from the fabulous All The Bitter.”
During January, So Curious Co. is hosting weekly pop-ups at Mother’s Brewing Company, and stay tuned for details on a collaborative pairing menu at Before and After Brewing in February. And here’s a current list of where you can order a So Curious Co. beverage on a whim:
• The Royal
• Tie and Timber
• The Coffee Ethic
• Druff’s Diner
• Sleepy Opossum Cafe
Follow @socuriousco on Instagram or Facebook to be the first to know about upcoming pop-ups.