Arts & Culture

The Ozarks Lyric Opera

For more than four decades, the Ozarks Lyrics Opera has provided a setting for people to experience beautiful opera performances.

by Jordan Blomquist

Mar 2025

Ozarks Lyric Opera
Photo courtesy Ozarks Lyric OperaFor over 45 years, Ozarks Lyric Opera has captivated audiences through opera.

For over 45 years, Ozarks Lyric Opera has captivated audiences through opera, perfectly blending music and drama. The historic Gillioz Theatre is home to the Opera, and the Spyres family runs the nonprofit. “We were in our first production 28 years ago, and at least one Spyres has been involved in over 40 productions since then,” Sean Spyres says. “It was a springboard for helping to launch Michael and Erica’s [Spyres] career on stages all over the world.”   

Ozarks Lyric Opera utilizes elements of film and animation in its productions to create a visually pleasing experience coupled with live performers in the pit and on stage. While opera houses across the country are closing, Sean says Ozarks Lyric Opera continues to thrive because of their passion for opera, their family-oriented environment—not just among the Spyres family but also among board members and performers—and the unmatched beauty of their performances. “We are committed to creating community through the OLO,” Erica Spyres says. “For us, there is no community without art and no art without community.”
