How the Former Owner of Tong's Thai Restaurant is Giving Back
Tong Trithara, the former owner of Tong’s Thai Restaurant, is returning to Thailand to start an organization that will help children learn cooking, gardening, computer skills and English.
by Jordan Blomquist
Dec 2024

417 Magazine: How did it feel to close the doors on Tong’s Thai Restaurant and bring that chapter to an end?
Tong Trithara: It wasn’t easy for me, because I was there day and night for 25 years. At first, it was weird, but I have the project in Thailand that I’ve been building for the last few years to help kids who lack opportunities in life. It’s heartbreaking because Tong’s is part of my life, and I’ve been there a long, long time. I know everybody in Springfield, they’re my friends… If you ask me where is my home, I’d say Springfield.
417: What’s next for you?
T.T.: My next move is to come back to Springfield, go back to Thailand in the winter and come back in spring to work with Baker Creek to raise more money through the summer. By next summer, I’ll be moving back to Thailand for good. I have to finish my building, the school, and also building the American and Indian Museum. The whole thing is cowboy-themed, and it’s called Tongway Twitty Town. It’s going to be a pretty unique thing. Kids will come in—I’m not housing them, I’m just educating them on the weekends, like Boy Scouts go camping. The theme is log cabin, American style. They can learn about Americans and how hard they work to get where they are today. You can follow what I’m doing on my Facebook page called Thailand Little Ones. When I get my cooking school started in about three months, I’ll start posting my recipes people love.
417: How has the community supported you during this transition?
T.T.: It’s no joke. I have a lot of friends here. I thank all the people who are supporting me—the O’Reilly's and the doctors at Cox and Mercy. This project is an American dream for me… I came here with $25 in my pocket at 19 years old, I’m almost 73 now. I told myself when I step my foot back in Thailand, I had to have 25 million in Thai money, and I got it.