Faces of 417-Land

Maxon Fine Jewelry

The Face of Fine Jewelry.

Jan 2022

Ryan Olson, Partner Jessica Harmison-Olson, Partner Jane and Rick McElvaine, Owners of Maxon's Fine Jewelry in Springfield MO
Photo by ADsmith Marketing and AdvertisingRyan Olson, Partner; Jessica Harmison-Olson, Partner; Jane and Rick McElvaine, Owners

Being in the business of #MaxonMoments (and happily ever afters), Maxon Fine Jewelry enjoys the unique privilege of watching love stories unfold all across the region. We’ve joined you in celebrating holidays, birthdays, commencements and just-because occasions. 

Since you have allowed us to be a part of your milestones, we want to thank you for being part of ours. This year, Maxon Fine Jewelry celebrates 50 years of making the Ozarks shine, and we owe it all to you.

Sending our endless gratitude to our community, customers and friends for the invaluable role you have played in helping us get here!

2850 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield417-887-1800 | maxonfinejewelry.com

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